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Solutions: Insurance

Coview provides an outstanding opportunity to the insurance industry. Using the system, providers are able to introduce an unrivalled customer service and sales support facility.

Industry Challenges

The Insurance market currently exhibits a series of difficulties in it’s’ communication with it’s’ customers. There is a general lack of efficiency and effectiveness in ensuring that only the most up to date sales literature, quotes, policies and general documentation is in use by customers, brokers and partners. 

Many insurance companies (providers) have an organised internal structure in respect of documents (Policies, sales literature, quotes etc.), often employing the use of a Document Management System (DMS)Their ability to publish documents to their customers, however, is far weaker.

This is greatly compounded by the current structure of the market where the route to the customer is often through Portals and Brokers (IFAs in the U.K.). Clearly where there are a greater number of distribution levels, there is a greater possibility of errors. 

The market needs to reach a position where the provider is assured that policies being underwritten are based on the principle that the correct and most up to date version of quotes and sales literature are with the customers. Failure to do this is creating risk to the providers and brokers and uncertainty to the customers.  Further, both the provider and the broker are faced with compliance issues from the regulatory bodies where they must not only work diligently to address these issues but exhibit how they are doing it.  Substantial fines on the part of the company and the directors responsible can be the resulting penalty. 


The Coview Advantage

Coview provides the capability to distribute documents to customers and partners under  an automated and strictly controlled environment whilst recording all activity of the recipients of the documents. It also provides the potential for target marketing from the company or it’s brokers directly to the customers’ desktop. 

  • It is able to fully automate the process of distributing all types of documents, in itself aiding the elimination of human errors.

  • It is able to ensure that the very latest version of the document is with the recipient (whether that be the customer or broker), removing outdated versions and guaranteeing delivery

  • It is able to set expiry dates for all versions and remove access once that date has passed.

  • It can control what the recipient does with the documents, preventing alterations, copying, e-mailing and printing. Alternatively, allowing printing for example, only with an expiry watermark etc.

  • All customer activity related to the documents is recorded and held on a database providing various report possibilities such as exception reports where documents have not been read and reports proving that they have been read when necessary. The audit trails also illustrate the extent to which compliance is met.

To the provider, it also offers the opportunity for a greater level of direct customer interfacing, as the link with the customer can be direct.  To the broker also, it provides a presence on their customers’ desktop offering an unparalleled level of service to their customers, supporting efforts to promote extended business