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Solutions: Financial Services

Coview provides an outstanding opportunity to the financial services industry. Using the system, financial institutions are able to introduce an unrivalled customer service and sales support facility.

Industry Challenges

The Financial Services industry requires the distribution of an increasing level of time sensitive and version critical documents, papers and information to customers, partners and staff (collectively called customers in this document) including statements, quotations, policy documents, mortgage information etc. In addition a financial institution needs to put its brand and corporate image in front of their customers as well as informing them of offers, events, invitations, rates etc. in a way that is relevant to specific customers and that encourages recipients to read and act upon, amongst their mass of daily email and post.

Documents that are carefully managed within the company are beyond the company’s control once they have been sent to customers or partners.

Using traditional methods of communication there is no guarantee of delivery or proof of access by your customers.

Once sent, the information is no longer controlled or secure. It is difficult to ensure that customers are informed of changes and that only the latest version of information or a document is being referenced.

Compliance is becoming ever more important yet increasingly difficult with traditional methods of distributing documents such as post, email and website libraries. Post is unreliable and not secure. Email is often not accessed, important information ends up in spam folders and customers frequently change their email addresses. A website, which can be made secure, still requires that customers visit the site on a regular basis and make a positive decision to download an updated version of a specific document.

Regardless of which method is employed, once a document has been downloaded, you can never be sure that the latest version is being used and not a previously downloaded, out of date document.


The Coview

Coview is able to provide the institution with an automated, efficient, verifiable, secure and controllable method of communicating any information with its customers, partners, agents and staff. The system provides a sophisticated method of distributing documents, statements, policies etc. to individuals, groups or all customers. It provides the customers with an improved level of service whilst providing the institution with a real improvement in getting the correct versions of vital operational and marketing information through to its customers.

Most critically for financial institutions, Coview is able to address many aspects of Compliance. The system is able to control post publication documents, whereby even following the distribution of documents to the customers, it is able to remove access to a document or replace it with an updated document. This ensures that only the very latest versions will be accessed by the customer. In addition all document related activity is logged and recorded on the Audit Trail Database so that the institution is able to verify delivery and access, obtain exception reports and provide proof of compliance.   

Coview addresses the issues facing financial services in a number of ways;


 Automated, efficient, secure and controllable method of communicating with customers, partners and staff


 Ensures that only the very latest versions of documents are in use


 User defined customer response forms


 Provides Compliance support 


 Complete Audit Trails


 Targeted marketing directly to individual customers


 Low cost, pay as you use model

‘Using Coview, Financial Institutions are Able to Introduce an Unrivalled Customer Service and Sales Support Facility’

Coview also provides a way of placing promotions, proposals for new products or accounts, event invitations etc. directly in front of, and targeted specifically at, individual customers or groups of customers. It then provides your customers with a direct and immediate method of responding through application or registration forms etc.   

How do my customers use it?